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Start Your Own Membership Business Now!

The UniMatrix script will help you to speed up build your membership or network marketing program, unilevel or matrix plan with digital download store and multi vendor features for SaaS.

at glance
in progress

UniMatrix is created for you and for your success

Powerful and Reliable System.

One Time Fee

Buy the license once and you can use the script on your site thereafter. One license for one domain or installation.


Admin and Member control panel are provided with all necessary features and at the same time, it is also easy to manage and use.

Multiple Packages

Setup multiple packages or levels for your users, with a different membership fee and benefits of each package or level.

Website Replication

The system will dynamically generate replicated site for the user automatically, complete with user information such as username and name.

Referrer Bonus

Configure and generate a reward for the referrer when their personal referrals register or when their member structure growing.

Convenient Approval

Effortlessly provision and manage user payments using the automated system or manually by administrator approval.

Download System

The script comes with built-in download system where you can upload product files and make it available only for your users.

Marketing Tools

Configure marketing materials for users to use, including banner, and referral link.

Digital Store

Set up your own digital store, sell digital download or service, video tutorial, and more.

Vendor System

Allow users to become a vendor and sell their own products, and you can enable vendor fee to generate more profits.

Responsive Design

Based on Bootstrap 4 and written with HTML5 and CSS3. UniMatrix is suitable for every platform with most modern browsers.

And more

Please try our online demo to experience the system live.

user flow
Our preciously done works

The script come with great navigation experience, responsive control panels, clean and easy to use interface.

The script is enriched with features and options that are needed for smooth working of membership system and can be extended by custom additional features to meet your unique network marketing plan.

Demo Simple Pricing

Please refer to the price comparison below to see what benefits you will get for each package.

one time
Core features
5 video tutorials
Personal bonus
Referral bonus
Active bonus
Rank bonus
As a Vendor
one time
Core features
15 video tutorials
Personal bonus
Referral bonus
Active bonus
Rank bonus
As a Vendor
one time
Core features
All downloads
All video tutorials
Personal bonus
Referral bonus
Active bonus
Rank bonus
As a Vendor

Demo Only!

The above pricing is for demo purpose, you can change the benefits and pricing according to your membership.
Greet Your Success

Focus on your goal, let UniMatrix help you to build the system

The UniMatrix script has many essential features, you only need to enable and configure it. Save your time and make profits early.

user flow user flow user flow

Want to try?

We are happy if you would like to see an online demo of this system and find what you are looking for, we want to save you time on building a successful membership site.

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A top leader needs UniMatrix. Yes, you too!

Not only make profits from the membership fees and your own products, but you can also make profits from your users' products. Yes, UniMatrix comes with a vendor system or SaaS (Software as a Service) features.

  • Allow to configure one time or interval based membership for a different package.
  • Set up different fee and commission for initial and renewal payments.
  • Built-in wallet system for deposit fund and internal payments.
  • Provide secure contents for members based on their package.
  • Allow members to list their web site in the directory to get a more exposure.
  • Rank system to offer unique badge and benefits for members.
  • Automatically back up your database and keep peace of mind.

Build Your Very Own Membership Now

Start your amazing program with UniMatrix, a network marketing system with SaaS features.